How to treat Frozen Shoulder?


  • Physical examination
  • X-rays may be helpful in screening other underlying causes
  • Other imaging studies such as MRI and arthrograms may also be helpful in ruling out underlying causes such as rotator cuff disease


  • Frozen shoulder syndrome is a self-limited process that resolves with time
  • On an average, frozen shoulder syndrome may last between 9 and 18 months
  • There are a few exceptional cases though, like frozen shoulder in diabetics are little different;   they last longer, are more resistant to treatment and more likely to recur
  • Post-operative or post-traumatic frozen shoulder may not heal spontaneously because the stiffness in these cases results from actual scarred tissue
  • Physical therapy provides mobility and strength
  • Activity Modification: Patients are encouraged to remain active and use the affected extremity so that it gains mobility


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