Iodex Pain Relief Balm

Iodex Multipurpose Pain Relief Balm

Did you know, there is a difference between headache & pain in other parts of the body?

Unlike headache, pain in other parts of the body is caused due to muscular inflammation & hence needs a specialist solution that can help reduce inflammation & relieve pain.

Iodex with its power packed formula helps provide a warming action upon massage that helps in reducing muscular inflammation & provides effective relief from every type of body pain.

Iodex Pain Relief Balm - For every pain in the body.

Iodex Balm – The power packed formula of 5 natural ingredients.

Iodex Balm is a power packed formula of 5 natural ingredients – Gandapuro Tel, Pudina ka Phool, Nilgiri Tel, Turpine ka Tel, & Lavanga ka Tel. These ingredients help provide a warm & soothing effect at the site of pain that helps reduce inflammation & relieves pain. Iodex, a trusted pain relief brand in Sri Lanka for over 10 years, helps provide effective relief from different types of musculo-skeletal pains like neck/shoulder pain, back pain, joint pain, sprain, etc.



Iodex Multipurpose Pain Balm